15 Visual Studio Icon Metro Style Images

Author by: Tiffany Isabelle
Date 2014-01-06
Category Other Icon
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Images Gallery Type

Good day graphic design creator, are you searching for Visual Studio Icon Metro Style? Probable we can grab these icon pictures, sometimes may can bring any advantage to us as graphic file. Well, we will see visual studio 2013 icon, windows 8 metro style app and visual studio metro, as we can see that there are some best example to create new design.

visual studio 2012, visual studio 2012 and visual studio icon are also perfect creations for icon, and we can download them for free. You can customize them, change the details, make our corrections and enjoy the results. We hope that our collection here will bring you much creativity and handy for more creation.

Do you would like to get the original file of each images? You must download them on the source link. Because i can show you images in jpg, png and other printable images format. We hope you like and want to share, let's hit share button that you like, so other people can get ideas too.

Designing Tips:

  • Applying a grid to create a clean composition, using one of the photo carriers such as a text box
  • Use strong, geometric characters to amplify your message
  • The most important part of any illustration is the message. The most common mistake by many illustrators forget the public - your job is to reach the right people and give them the message of your client. The key is to do your research and know your audience, it is not about what you like
  • Fonts have personalities too. Make sure you represent your message with the correct fonts
  • Visual Studio 2013 Icon

    Visual Studio 2013 Icon via

    Visual Studio Icon

    Visual Studio Icon via

    Visual Studio 2012

    Visual Studio 2012 via

    Visual Studio 2012

    Visual Studio 2012 via

    Windows 8 Metro Style App

    Windows 8 Metro Style App via

    Visual Studio Metro

    Visual Studio Metro via

    Windows Phone 8 Button Icons

    Windows Phone 8 Button Icons via

    Visual Studio 2012 Icon

    Visual Studio 2012 Icon via

    WPF Metro Style

    WPF Metro Style via

    Visual Studio Icon

    Visual Studio Icon via

    Windows Phone 8 Button Icons

    Windows Phone 8 Button Icons via

    Windows 8 Metro Style App

    Windows 8 Metro Style App via

    Metro Style App

    Metro Style App via

    Visual Studio Icon

    Visual Studio Icon via

    Metro Style Icons

    Metro Style Icons via

    Images mentioned are the property of their respective owners

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