11 Sailor Moon Vector Images

Author by: Tiffany Isabelle
Date 2012-01-05
Category Other Vector
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Images Gallery Type

We have selected worthy Sailor Moon Vector in this post. We require several day to collect these worthy vector creations from creative maker. Something great can be found in vector sailor moon character, sailor moon characters and sailor moon silhouette vector, likely we can use among them for graphic materials to complete your graphic design.

You can also see these sailor moon twilight, sailor chibi moon brooch and sailor moon vector art, it's beautiful vector. It's possible to customize as well, change the details and make our corrections. We hope this Sailor Moon Vector collection will bring you much creativity and incentive for advanced development.

I just show you images in jpg or png format. If we would like to use the original file of each images, we must download them on the source link. We hope you like and want to share, let's hit share button that you like, so your friends can get reference too.

Designing Tips:

  • Use horizontal and vertical lines to match with other design elements. For balance and proportion, ensure the thickness of the elements correspond to the weight of the fonts
  • Consider the technology that will produce the work - you approach a color image for a print magazine other than something that you spray on a wall. Our wall decals illustrations are simple, one-dimensional and easy to cut, so we use the styles of the 60s and 70s with basic shapes
  • Create intelligent compositions leaving positions in images guide where to place your type
  • Apply a tint to your image the same as any block of color in your design consistency
  • Sailor Moon Characters

    Sailor Moon Characters via

    Sailor Moon Silhouette Vector

    Sailor Moon Silhouette Vector via

    Sailor Chibi Moon Brooch

    Sailor Chibi Moon Brooch via

    Sailor Moon Twilight

    Sailor Moon Twilight via

    Vector Sailor Moon Character

    Vector Sailor Moon Character via

    Sailor Moon Vector Art

    Sailor Moon Vector Art via

    Transparent Sailor Moon Vectors

    Transparent Sailor Moon Vectors via

    Sailor Moon Transformation

    Sailor Moon Transformation via

    Sailor Moon Vector Art

    Sailor Moon Vector Art via

    Sailor Moon Vector Art

    Sailor Moon Vector Art via

    Sailor Moon Vector Art

    Sailor Moon Vector Art via

    Images mentioned are the property of their respective owners

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