8 Plasma TV PSD Images

Author by: Jason Anthony
Date 2009-11-01
Category Other Psd
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Images Gallery Type

Hi, this is cool gallery of Plasma TV PSD to add our ideas. We need two week to select these cool psd designs from any public sources. When you grab these plasma tv icon, plasma tv icon and psd files below, likely you can use among them for inspiration to complete your creative graphic.

We should also have these psd graphic tv, plasma flat screen tv and flat screen tv psd, it's nice psd. We can customize them, change the details, make your corrections and enjoy the results. We hope this Plasma TV PSD collection can bring you more creativity and handy for further development.

I can show you pictures in jpg or png type. If we would like to get the original file of each pictures, we could find them on the source link. We hope these Plasma TV PSD is useful to you, or maybe your friends, so let's hit share button, in order they will visit here too.

Designing Tips:

  • The beautiful color swatch palette in Illustrator are priceless. But avoid the easy way, especially with the shading, gradients and effects. Many of the obvious methods can create predictable results because they are the tools everyone uses. If you notice you'll find your own way, with more original results
  • Work from the beginning to CMYK and even if your final image is the vector, try to send it as TIFF. This will prevent any kind of color problem or involuntary change - in color or composition
  • The most creative people think outside the box. Do not use the icons and symbols that you see everywhere typical to represent your subject. Research, sketches and print to find new and original icons to visually communicate with your audience
  • In Adobe Illustrator, there are a variety of effects that Photoshop can be used to add anything from a dirty surface with a grain effect to your work
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