10 IPhone 6 Screen Mockups PSD Images

Author by: Jason Anthony
Date 2015-11-21
Category Psd Mockup
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Images Gallery Type

This is handy iPhone 6 Screen Mockups PSD graphic file gallery. Maybe we can select these psd mockup images, sometimes may can provide some benefits for you as inspiration. When we look at these iphone 6 mockup psd, iphone 6 mockup psd and iphone 6 mockup psd below, likely we can select among them for graphic file to complete your graphic work.

Also look at these 6 iphone psd template, iphone 6 mockup psd and iphone 6 mockup psd to get more graphic file about psd mockup. After download among them, we could add anything we like. Last, I hope this iPhone 6 Screen Mockups PSD can give you more creativity, inspiration and also fresh ideas to build your new work.

If we like to get the element, we can go to the source link on each images. We hope you like and want to share, let's hit share button that you like, so more people can get reference too.

Designing Tips:

  • Always keep the consistency of style in mind in every element of your artwork. If you add too many different styles and forms too discordant, the figure will tend to lack authority. Try adding your style to each vector element in the work, regardless of their size - this will keep things consistent
  • Work from the beginning to CMYK and even if your final image is the vector, try to send it as TIFF. This will prevent any kind of color problem or involuntary change - in color or composition
  • It's generally a good idea not to look at the final image for about 24 hours after hours and hours of work and focus on a picture. When you return to a project with fresh eyes, you are more able to see the latest changes that the image may need
  • Pump up contrast by adjusting the brightness of the background image so that it compensates for the color of the text, which makes the design clear and easy to read
  • iPhone 6 Mockup PSD

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    Images mentioned are the property of their respective owners

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