6 Green Circle Design Images

Author by: Julianna Joseph
Date 2012-07-17
Category Other
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Images Gallery Type

Awesome collection of Green Circle Design design resource. We think we can get this other material, somewhile may can give some advantage to us as ideas. While we get these green leaf pattern, green circle pattern and bright green circle below, we will get helpful materials to make the other graphic design.

Also look at these green circle pattern, green circle pattern and yelow circle pattern clip art to get more design resource about other. It's possible to customize as well, change the details and make your corrections. We hope this Green Circle Design collection will bring you much creativity and incentive for more development.

Do you want to get the original file of each pictures? We must search them on the source link. Because we can show you pictures in jpg, png and other printable pictures type. We hope you like and want to share, let's hit share button that you like, so your friends can inspired too.

Designing Tips:

  • Many objects and scenes are repetitive elements. Being able to identify you save time in workflow. If you go for a realistic look, learn how to duplicate elements and change them (be it color, texture, size or rotation) to make them unique
  • Photoshop: Often in designing a layout you need to check how an item looks exactly by its own or by some elements
  • All textures are not symmetrical, so consider using brushes when the texture has to be different in some areas
  • Keep it simple, but do not forget your bases. Make sure that each item has a reason to be in the design and keep the number of fonts, colors, shapes and frames to a minimum. Use contrasting color combinations tonal text is crisp and easy to read
  • Green Leaf Pattern

    Green Leaf Pattern via

    Green Circle Pattern

    Green Circle Pattern via

    Green Circle Pattern

    Green Circle Pattern via

    Bright Green Circle

    Bright Green Circle via

    Yellow Circle Pattern Clip Art

    Yellow Circle Pattern Clip Art via

    Green Circle Pattern

    Green Circle Pattern via

    Images mentioned are the property of their respective owners

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