8 Drug Crime Vector Art Graphics Images

Author by: Tiffany Isabelle
Date 2010-12-07
Category Other Vector
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Images Gallery Type

Good day graphic designing lover, are you searching for Drug Crime Vector Art Graphics? Sometimes, this vector may can provide any contribution for you as reference. Below, you will see no drugs clip art , drug store clip art and cartoon criminal clip art, as we can see that there are some perfect file for a new designer.

Drug icon, violent crime clip art and drugs vector are also the perfect creations for vector, and you can get them free for personal or maybe commercial use. You can put anything you like, change the details and make our corrections. Last, I hope this collection can give you more creativity, inspiration and also fresh ideas to adorn your new work.

We just show you images in jpg, png and other printable images type. If we would like to use some element of each images, we could find them on the source link. We hope you like and want to share, let's hit share button that you like, so other people can inspired too.

Designing Tips:

  • Work from the beginning to CMYK and even if your final image is the vector, try to send it as TIFF. This will prevent any kind of color problem or involuntary change - in color or composition
  • Use letter spacing to fill the dead space, text alignment, or condense the words that take up too much space. However, be careful not to reduce letter spacing so it can not be read, or increase it as the letters stand each other
  • Make sure you keep track of your layers - I'm usually a lot in any room - and keep things in order. I only use the selection of Illustrator, Direct Selection and Pen tools, because I prefer not to leave the plethora of software (admittedly very good) tools get in the way of my vision. It is all about simplicity and execution
  • The beautiful color swatch palette in Illustrator are priceless. But avoid the easy way, especially with the shading, gradients and effects. Many of the obvious methods can create predictable results because they are the tools everyone uses. If you notice you'll find your own way, with more original results
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    Drug Icon

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    Drug Store Clip Art

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    Images mentioned are the property of their respective owners

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